May 2004 cont.
May 2004 Continued.......
We had originally decided to head north to Utah and Montana during the second half of May to beat the heat, but I got an offer I couldn't refuse. My niece, Cyndie, invited me to join her on a "girl's camping trip" at Houston-Mesa Campground in Payson, Arizona. Joining them would be nieces Kali from Phoenix and Rosalie from Michigan, my sister Angie, also from Phoenix and my sister Gay from Big Sandy, Texas. A family reunion of sorts. A sister, Shirley, from Connecticut, and my daughter Jennifer from Houston were unable to attend. (Maybe next year)

Also Winnebago alerted us to a recall on our propane tank and while after careful inspection we don't have a problem we are delayed in Phoenix while Winnebago ships the necessary braces to La Mesa RV Center in Mesa, AZ to bring the tanks up to code. We've been told it could be anywhere from 2-10 days. So we've had some time to enjoy the area.
While in Arizona, we enjoyed an authentic Cowboy rodeo at the Payson Regional Rodeo, hiked an eight mile trail to Horton Creek in the Tonto Mountains, went tubing on the Salt River, visited the Phoenix Botanical Gardens, and enjoyed the spectacular views of the Superstition Mountains bordering Apache Junction.
While the desert surrounding the moun-
tains are dry (no rain in 9 weeks) Canyon Lake (14 miles north of Lost Dutchman's Mine) provides boating, swimming and a relaxing ride on the "Dolly" paddleboat.
Saguaro cactus in bloom.
Dolly paddleboat at Canyon Lake.
Home-Sweet-Home at Carefree RV Resort
Superstition Mountains in Apache Junction, AZ
Payson Rodeo
* Click on pics for larger views
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Today is Memorial Day. Time to reflect on
the past and pray for peace in the future.