Dec 2004
December 2004
Tis' The! We're celebrating Christmas in Houston, Texas this year. We're all settled into our favorite spot at Galveston Island State Park and our rv is all decorated for the holidays (think small!) We arrived to chilly weather (dipping down to 36) but it soon warmed up to the mid -60's. The sunrise is breathtaking! We're looking forward to walks on the beach each morning and endless hours of biking, fishing, and taking in the sights on the island.
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We really did get a white Christmas.....
a rare occurance on Galveston Island
Our son, Mark flew into Houston for the holidays making it a family affair. On Christmas Eve we enjoyed a Mexican dinner at Pappasito's (one of our favorites), a traditional Christmas dinner with family on Christmas day, and went to see the long awaited movie.....Meet The Fokkers, (a very, very hilarious must-see). With our first
grandson due to arrive in just four short weeks there's plenty to get ready. So after
a two week break at Lake Conroe RV Resort we'll be back in Houston awaiting the big day.
*See next page for holiday pics.