January 2005
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We celebrated Don's 60th birthday on January 3rd at the Texas Roadhouse complete with barbecue ribs, margaritas, complimentary death-by-chocolate birthday cake, and a great-big "yahoo" from the crowd when the birthday boy mounted a saddle.
We're keeping the cell phone nearby at all times. Jen's due date of January 25th is fast approaching and we don't want to miss the big event. A shower is planned for the 11th so Di will be staying in Houston with her sister Gay.
We got the phone call at 6:30 pm on January 8th. Our first grandson couldn't wait any longer. He arrived two weeks early after 18 hours of labor on January 9th.
Brandon David Gamble (6 lbs.7 oz.) with proud parents and grandparents
(For more family photos click here)
Galveston Island had it's Mardi Gras parade on Saturday, January 29th. Not quite as
exciting as New Orleans, but we had a blast collecting beads. (No flashing necessary!)
(click to view pics)