Feb 2005
February 2005
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My sister, Gay, from Big Sandy, Texas paid us a visit. We attended a quilt show at Texas City with her friend, Tami from Port Bolivar. Tami and her husband, Roger are antique auctioneers and travel extensively around the country both collecting and auctioneering. Each year they take an extended trip to Alaska. We enjoyed the quilt show and became educated on the history of Texas City, Texas from the local residents.
We're leaving Bay Colony RV resort in Dickinson, TX for a week at Canyon Lake, TX on Feb. 12th. Don's going to try his luck at catching some elusive rainbow trout at the Guadaloupe River. San Antonia is just an hour south of Canyon Lake. We really enjoy stroll
ing along the river walk and dining at one of the local Mexican restuarants. Remember the Alamo!
After a return visit with our daughter and grandson in Houston where
we celebrated both our daughter's and Di's birthday, we're heading east (skirting the southern coast as much as possible) to attend an FMCA rally in Perry, GA in March.
Happy Valentine's Day
February continues to blast us with cold air. Temps are in the low 40's,
but still not as cold as the deep-freeze New England is experiencing.
We had an opportunity to join 24-Hour Fitness Club in Friendswood free
for 30 days. Between workouts and spending time with our new grandson, Brandon, the month is flying.
Family Photo
(click pic for larger view)