May 2005 - Cont'd
May 2005 - Continued
We moved to one of our favorite places to camp--Charlestown Breachway in Rhode Island. The first day was spent strolling on the beach collecting shells, starfish and rocks. Don spent some time casting his fly rod. Unfortunately the forcast called for a "nor-easter" for the next two days and that meant...button-down the hatches. Well, they weren't kidding.
Life at Charlestown Breachway... flyfishing.....strolling...and discovering hundreds of starfish washed ashore
(Click all Pics for larger images)
While re-visiting friends and family after being on the road for almost two years, we camped at Fisherman's Memorial State Park in Narragansett, RI. We were pleasantly surprised by a visit from daughter Jennifer, our new grandson, Brandon, (now 5 months old), her husband, David and our son, Mark from Massachusetts. All in all, our Connecticut visit was very memorable.
Some of the highlights were.....a campfire with our good friends (complete with R.I. chowder) A visit to Don's former workplace (Pfizer-Groton), a Memorial Day picnic with the Renouf family and friends, and some quality time with our own family.
I couldn't resist picking up some flowers while visiting (friend) Priscilla at "The Farmer's Daughter" nursery in R.I.
Pepe with grandson, Brandon
Catching up with family
"Family Album"
Jennifer with Brandon
Sister Shirley
Nephews, Randy, Ricky
and Ray at Memorial
Day picnic
At last...we got site 75
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