September 2005
September 2005
On our last day in Rapid City, we discovered a bike path system running along the Rapid Creek. Being curious, we followed it and discovered a horse auction going on at the Central States Fairgrounds. It's quite an experience to watch those magnificent animals strutting in the corral about five feet away, and very surprised to find you can purchase a purebred quarter horse for as little as $1000. Glad we didn't miss that one!
Located on I-90 in Mitchell, South Dakota, is the famous Corn Palace. The exterior is fashioned of corn products and the design is changed each year. We also took a side trip north to De Smet, SD where Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of the "Little House On The Prairie" books, lived as a younster, visiting "Pa's" prairie home- stead and the house he built for Caroline Ingalls in town. After a four night stay at Spring Grove, Minnesota we drove to Indiana, arriving in Nappanee, Indiana on Sept.12th and had our computer station installed by Carlisle, a local
(click on pics for larger view)
In Nappanee we were surprised Brandon, now 8 months old, who energetic. The motorhome be-
too soon.
with a visit from Jennifer and our grandson,
is now crawling, standing and very, very
came one big play yard and the visit was over
click pic
who owns Focal Products, Inc. we're pleased with the results.
Amish cabinet craftsman
His work is superb and
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We arrived in Green Bay, Wisconsin for our neice, Robin's, wedding to Gregg Carpenter II.
They were married on September 24th. The reception was held right at the Green Bay Packer Stadium. It was a spectacular affair, and gave us the opportunity to spend time with family
from Michigan and Connecticut.*
*See family album page for photos.......
Hurricane "Rita" put Houston and Galveston Island in it's path. We braced for the worst.
David Jen, and Brandon evacuated to Longview, Texas with David's sister. We were prepared
to change our plans, but it curved toward Lousianna and they were spared.'s....C a l i f o r n i a, here we come!
for family album
The Mitchell, SD Corn Palace
Click pic to see his work
The Ingalls house that "Pa" built (1887)
The Prairie Homestead
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