Cliff Dwellings-May Cont'd
Mesa Verde National Park was created in 1906 to preserve the living history of the ancient Pueblos. The Cliff Palace (largest in Mesa Verde) was occupied between 1200-1300 with over 125 rooms and 8 kivas. Approximately 100-125 persons lived here.
Cliff Palace was crafted using carefully shaped stones laid up in straight rows. Round towers began to be erected, kivas were built, and their many talents were evident in the masonry work, pottery, jewelry, basket-weaving, and even toolmaking. Their crops included corn, beans, and squash which they grew up above on the mesa flats.

Mesa Verde National Park - Cortez, CO
May 2006 - Continued
The square tower house was built later in the 1200s. It was plastered on the
inside and decorated with painted designs.
Balcony House is accessible only by climbing a 32' ladder to gain entrance to the site, crawling 12' through a 1 1/2' wide tunnel, and then climbing up a 60' open rock face, including 2 10' ladders to exit the side. I found it very strenuous, but well worth the effort. We appreciated the spectacular views and the knowledge gained from the tour.
Kiva is a Hopi word for ceremonial room. You can compare them to our churches. They were used for healing, praying for rain, luck in hunting or good crops. They were also used for weaving. They were made of the same carved stone, roofs constructed of beams and mud, and were supported by timbers. They accessed by a ladder in the center of the room.
The Balcony House was another type of cliff dwelling. Several generations lived together in a household. Several related families made up a "clan." Posessions were descended through the female members of the family. Each clan had its own kiva
and rights to its own farming plots.
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