Dec 2006 rvjournal127006.jpg
December started out with a bang! Temperatures in Livingston, Texas dropped down into the low twenties at night causing the pipes to freeze. Needless to say...we miss the dry, hot desert weather just a bit.
Jen and David Gamble had their lap-band surgeries on December 5th and all went very well. We are babysitting Brandon for a couple of days to give them time to recuperate. It's given us a chance to really get to know him and what makes him "tick."
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Since moving further south to Conroe, the days have warmed up. Although it's been difficult adjusting to the Texas humidity. Days are filled with Christmas shopping, visiting with our "patients", David and Jen, and occasionally babysitting Brandon with some overnighters. He's got so much energy and he's fun to be around. We should never forget what it's like to be young!
Mark flies in today, December 19th for a week and sister Gay will be coming for a visit this
week. We've rented the "Western" cabin here at Castaways for December 19-26 sp we'll
use it for family sleepovers. The cabins are completely furnished except for linens at a cost of $5.00/day with a Western Horizons membership. Not a bad deal!
Brandon at play!
Before picture taken 12/6/06
Christmas has come and gone. Our celebration was reflective of those spent in "The Giguere"
house years ago. We opened presents on Christmas Eve and had a wonderful turkey dinner with
all the trimmings on Christmas day. Grandson, Brandon, was so much fun to watch. Our son, Mark
started a lifelong relationship with him this year. He's very good with him and assisted with the
"present-ripping" ceremony. We've got pictures for you in...
the family album.

Jen -Lost 13lbs
David -Lost 17lbs