Jan 2007
January 2007
Travel Log
We're staying in New Caney, Texas for the month of January. Don had a memorable birthday this year, (62-early social security). For the third year in a row, we celebrated at Texas Roadhouse and embarrassed him with the bronco-ridin' photo. This time with grandson, Brandon.
Grandson, Brandon turned two on January 9th. We had a birthday party for him including chocolate cake and peanut butter frosting. We all noticed he has mastered the art of tearing open presents. We also noticed just how fast he's picking up words, colors, and short
sentences. It happens so fast.
Spending some
fun time in the park!
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We spent the month of January at Forest Retreat RV Park in New Caney,Texas. It was about 13 miles from David and Jen's house. Except for the precious time spent with family, our instinct was to travel south to warmer, much drier weather. It rained almost everyday! The temps dropped so low we were forced to buy two heaters just to stay cozy. We both caught
colds and so spent a lot of time indoors. Today is February 1st and we're headed to Florida.