Feb 2007
February 2007
After a nice visit with sister Gay in Big Sandy, Texas, our travels brought us through Louisianna, Mississippi, and now Alabama. We took the more northerly route, driving Interstate 20 to vary the landscape and find possible side trips. Surprisingly, Northern Mississippi has rolling hills and magnificent magnolia trees. The weather has been somewhat uncomfortable, (nights in the 20's), but made bearable with two heaters. Days averaged mid-50's but sunny and crisp like a New England fall day. Although we traveled through the northern part of the state word was the devistation from Hurrican Katrina is still evident in
Mississippi along the Gulf coast. It's estimated it will take years to repair.
We stayed for a week at Styx River RV Resort in Robertsdale, Alambama. Two years ago when we visited here, hurricane Dennis had hit with a vengence. The park's beautiful river and trails were off limits and debris of the storm was everywhere. This time the park was beautiful. Flowers were blooming, the new outdoor pool was completed and you could see the tremendous amount of work the volunteers put in to bring the park up to standards.
We celebrated Valentine's Day with a movie, "Because I Said So", and dinner at Ruby Tuesday, followed by a dark, chocolate treat. Mmmm, just about a perfect day.
We visited one of my "fav" spots, Fair Hope, AL which is located on the Gulf Coast. It's an ecclectic town with all sorts of specialty shops, cafes, coffee houses, and art galleries. They had a Mardi Gras parade which we enjoyed with new Escapee friends, Joe and JoAnne. I got an added bonus when the maintenance crew gave away the bedded flowers that would be trampled during the parade.
Another day we drove down along the coast to Orange Beach and the Gulf Island National Seashore. It was warm enough (71 degrees) to take out our beach chairs and soak up some rays.
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Travel Log
We arrived in Florida on February 16th staying in DeFuniak, Florida, Bushnell, Florida (one of our Escapee Parks) and Lazy Days Rally Park in Seffner, Florida. The breezy days have continued to warm up. (days-70s, nights-50's) Our daily routine has consisted of cleaning, shopping, washing the motorhome and Jeep and a renewed effort to take daily walks or hikes. As soon as we settle down for a while we'll also begin geo-caching in Florida. Who knows, maybe we'll find some pirate's treasure?
See photos of the Ingrams on next page.
"Mardi Gras"
A friendly Heron