Sept 2007
September 2007
2007 Travel Log
We spent five days at Hospitality Woods RV Park in Ellsworth, Maine. We biked around Eagle Lake at Acadia National Park with new friends Al and Symphony Graves and their dog, Crissy. The next day Don and I had some lunch at Bar Harbor, then hiked along the Loop Trail skirting the ocean. Saturday the four of us searched and located a geocache at Woodlawn Mansion in Ellsworth.
This was a first for Symphony and Al. We spent a few days in Bedford, Mass to visit again with Mark. We watched the Red Sox game on Saturday and rode the bike trail along "The Charles" in Boston with him on Sunday.
We couldn't leave New England without a short stay at Fisherman's Memorial in Narragansett, RI. It's a beautiful park with paved sites, tennis courts, full-hookups or rustic tent-camping and close proximity to beaches and Newport. The crisp September air was invigorating and invited early morning bike rides. We also located a couple of geocaches right in the park.
Daughter, Jennifer, recently moved to San Antonio where both she and husband David started new jobs. I was missing my grandson, Brandon, so I flew down to visit for a week. (See September "Family Album" for family pictures) While I was there Don moved the motorhome to Bob Allen's (who we graciously thank for the invite) and enjoyed some fishing with Bob and a nice dinner at Olio's with the "Oldtimer's" from Pfizer.
Bob Allen and brother Donald's pride and joy "Banty" which was built in one week!
The Pfizer "Oldtimer's Club"
Click on pics to enlarge image
As September came to a close we embraced past memories of New
England's fall foliage and crisp, chilly weather. We were able to
experience some color before heading to "warmer climate." My sister Shirley invited us to stay at their home in Windham, CT for the weekend. She and husband Norm just finished installing a majestic carriage shed. We all enjoyed a dinner out and some quality "family
time" as I put in my last effort to help clear weeds and plant fall mums in my sister's beautiful gardens.