August 2009
August 2009
Travel Log
RV There Yet?
The summer is flying by at lightening speed. Too much to do and see...too little time!
We enjoyed a weeklong reunion with family in Sandwich at the Cape. Brandon has turned into a "fish." Couldn't keep him out of the deep water. We've all noticed the change in him. He's growing like a weed. We sure hope these get-togethers keep happening because we're all getting older.
Skaket Beach at Orleans
Click for family photos
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After the family returned home Don and I traveled to Hermon, Maine to attend the Escapees Chapter 3 Rally at Pumpkin Patch RV Resort. It was a busy four day event with SKP members from all over the country which gave us an opportunity to meet new RV friends. This time we met Francine LeBlanc from Tois Pistole, Canada who's family knew the Renouf family when they lived in Canada. Small world!
Next we moved up the coast to Bar Harbor for a week at Mt. Desert Island. We biked the carriage roads and feasted on the famous seafood "cowda" and popovers at the Jordan Pond House, sailed aboard the tall ship, Margaret-Todd, and unexpectedly got serenaded by a Scottish Piper while locating a geo-cache in the harbor. Acadia Nat'l Park has a free and very efficiently run shuttle system which illiminates the need to search for precious parking space. They pick you up at most campgrounds (w/bikes) and deliver you at various dropoffs. It made for a most enjoyable week!
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at low tide.......