May in CT 2005
May 2005
My personal garden planted at my sister's house in Windham, CT
Except for unseasonably- cool temps, our visit to Connecticut has been most gratifying. We reconnected
with several of our friends and family and visited some
old haunts.
(Click on pics for larger images)
What a striking view!
A little R&R
Relaxing with good
friend, Bob Allen
Really missed that R.I. chowder
Two years means lots of catching up
Impromptu picnic
at Bob's place
for all!
We had four weeks to reconnect with friends and family. We accepted a generous offer to spent a week or so at friend, Bob Allen's place in Groton Long Point. (Our "site" included electric/water/and the most magnificent view of Pine Island Bay.) The weather was not as cooperative as expected with temps in the mid-50's to low 60's, cloudy and windy at times, but we made the best of it.
Don and Bob Allen enjoyed fishing nearly every morning. (We're talking early....6:00 am.) Unlike saltwater fishing in nearly all our license required. This gave me the opportunity to visit my sister, Shirley, in North Windham. She maintains 10 gardens so I enjoyed dabbling in gardening once again. I even have my very own garden, "Di's Garden."
While in Connecticut, we took care of our medical obliga-
tions which included vision, dental, and physical exams. We always arrange to have our records travel with us so we're prepared for any emergency.
We revisited our "old homestead" in Preston, had lunch with friends at Pfizer to catch-up on the latest developments, enjoyed a "grinder" picnic at Bob Allen's place, joined friends for dinner at a local Mexican restuarant, and thoroughly enjoyed catching up on the events of nearly two years.
One event I thoroughly enjoyed was the Rhode Island Scottish Highland Festival at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Richmond, RI. Pipe music, delicious Scottish pies & bridies, singing, highland dancing and games, sheepherding, and clan villages are all brought together in an intimate family setting to ge enjoyed by all. Especially exciting was the band....Wicked Tinkers..who performed Gaelic-Rock music, with bagpipes, drums and drones.
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