Wildlife-Mt. Rushmore
Wildlife at Custer's State Park
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We were fortunate to encounter a variety of wildlife. The "begging burros" in Custer's
come right up to your window searching for goodies. They
We were facinated with the bison. The numbers in the herds are multiplying to the point
State Park
seemed gentle
and don't seem to fear human contact.
and auction is necessary to maintain control. As we
where an annual fall round-up
traveled the wildlife loop, we
had some "up close and personal" moments when they
crossed the road
and approached our car. Other sightings included, ante-
big-horned sheep,
lope, mule deer,
prairie dogs,
and wild turkeys.
Mount Rushmore Monument
Di posing with Abe Lincoln
We felt a rush of patriotism as we
approached to monument!
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Think Big! 14 years in the making. Each face is
approximately 60 feet from chin to top of the head
with a 20 foot nose!!