March 2006 (cont)
On our return to San Carlos on the Sea of Cortez, we stayed at El Mirador RV Resort which overlooks the Marina Real and Catch 22 beach, so named because the movie Catch 22 was filmed there. Directly behind the resort is the famous Tetakawi Peak. The resort itself boasts all the modern conveniences including full-hookups, cable, Wifi, and a gourmet restuarant (The Oasis). The caravan left for the U.S. on February 26th, but we extended our stay for a month enjoying the breathtaking scenery, the warm and pleasant climate (mid 70's), the local collosal shrimp delivered daily to the resort by Alexandro (the traveling grocer) and sipping endless margaritas while watching the beatiful Sonora sunsets! Paradise ended much too soon, as we returned
to Casa Grande, Arizona on March 28th to continue our journey.
View from El Mirador
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El Mirador RV Park Site #68.
Margarita's at sunset