March/April Family Album
Easter in Phoenix, AZ (March 2008)
Easter Sunday, March 23rd, was an enjoy-
able day for all. We shared a wonderful meal
prepared by Cyndie with family members adding
their favorites to the meal. Angie was having
a very "good" day as they go and participated
in much of the conversation. An especially surprising treat was when she started humming Beetles songs and we joined in for over a half-hour impromptu concert.
(above) Karla,Angie, Cyndie,
Jada,and Kelli pose for a
family picture.
(below) Jada searches for
hidden Easter eggs!
(above) Hail, hail, the gang's all here.
(below) Dad being tickled to death by Jada-Natalie.
Paul and Gay Ingram's 50th Wedding Anniversary
March 29, 2008
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