May 2010-Cont'd
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May 2010 - Cont'd
We are sceduled to arrive in Gunnison, Colorado on May 16th, so we decided our last stop would be in Moab, Colorado in order to visit Arches N.P. and Canyonland. This is a re-visit to Arches, our first being 2006, but, we manage to discover something new each time. We stayed at Moab Rim Campark just south of town and chose to stroll the streets of Moab the first afternoon. The following day we drove out to Wolfe Ranch to hike up to Delicate Arch. This turned out to be an extrordinary hike for myself. Several hikers missed the cairns and went off the trail and we of coarse followed behind. Finding ourselves clenching to a narrow wall in order to reach the arch, "I" decided to back track and take a different approach. This turned out to be a "big" mistake on my part. After pondering a while at the place I was "stuck," I finally turned back, and was informed that the trail meandered around the backside of the rock ledge for about 200 yards up to the arch. Lesson learned....Never divert from a marked trail!
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(Delicate Arch)
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A three mile round-trip hike starting with a 1/2 mile, well-defined trail. Gradually ascending on slickrock to the top of the rock face and traversing 200' around a rock ledge to a spectacular view of the arch!
Island in the Sky is located 32 miles from Moab, Utah. While at Canyonlands on our one-day visit we managed to hike to and view Mesa Arch, Upheaval Dome, and Whale Rock. Below are photos of each location.
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Mesa Arch
Whale Rock
Upheaval Dome
Whale Rock
View of Canyonland mesa
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