July 2012
Travel Log
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While hiking the Lincoln Trail to Franconia Falls, on the Kankamagus Highway we met up with a lovely lady, Roberta May (hiking nickname,Trapper) from Alaska, and her dog Riffle, who are hiking the Appalachian Trail from Maine to Georgia. She and her husband own and operate a thriving gold mine in Fairbanks, Alaska.
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July 2012
Happy Birthday "America"
We spent a week camping at Boston Minuteman Campground
in Massachusetts while visiting Mark (our son) who now works at Google in Cambridge. Mark invited us to the Boston Pops and Fireworks on the Charles River. Also featured on stage was Jennifer Hudson of American Idol fame. We had a spectacular view of the fireworks and even a quick downpour couldn't dampen our spirits.!
We had dinner with Rob and Karen Polzer at their home in N.H. while catching up on "old times."
We spent more than a month in Connectiuct catching up with family, friends and "old haunts." Always on our list
is a visit with Bob Allen, who graciously puts us up in his
spectacular "camp site" each visit. We wish you all the best....Bob! Looking forward to our next visit.
We visited with Ann Hagen with Jon and Ann Erikson (they're building a new home in Westerly, RI) at Jon's boat. We attended a Thursday night Concert at Esker Point, visited Gillette's Castle where we picnicked, and of coarse we had clam cakes at Aunt Carrie's in Pt Judith. One lasting memory will be the improptu "get together" with friends at Charlestown Breachway in R.I. What a treasure to be able to go down memory lane as well as stay in touch with everyone's lives. Thank you so much for that!
(Shown above is our hike on Lincoln Woods Trail to Franconia Falls!)
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